Monday 10 January 2011

Final Design

After drawing several designs i then looked back over them and started to decide which design i wanted to use for my final character. After taking me time i finally chose one. Below is an image of the design that i chose. 

I chose this design because i thought that it had a lot of potential and was interesting yet not too extravagant. It also provided some challenges which would allow me to develop my modelling ability and my knowledge in maya. This design has all the key concepts of the basic character desciption and includes my own personal touch. 

I then took the character and all of it props apart. Such as the gas mask, walking stick and bayonet, and the ammunition tin. I drew each prop and the character individually and drew all of their orthographic views. Such as the top view, front view and side view. This was setting me up for modelling as i could use these drawings for my reference images in maya. Below are the images i drew for each view of the objects and character. 

I then decided that these drawings were too ruff for my reference images so i redrew them on the computer neatening them up. I also made some improvements to the images such as attaching the bayonet on the walking stick at the other end so that it is in a similar position to where it would be located on a gun. Below are the new and improved reference images. 

I think that the images above are much better reference images as they are a lot clearer due to the cleaner/ bolder lines. They should definately help me when it comes to modelling. 

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